Java Beans   «Prev 

Packaging FancyButton Bean - Exercise

Objective: Use the JAR utility to package the FancyButton Bean.
In this exercise, include the v option so that the JAR utility will output the results of the operation.
  1. The Java class files,
  2. manifest file, and
  3. image resources
for the FancyButton Bean are included with the course example source code, which you can download by clicking the Resources button on the menu bar to the left.

Executing the JAR utility

The order of the options used when executing the JAR utility is important.
For example, the usage of the options fcm indicates that the name of the JAR file is specified as the first argument, while the name of the external manifest file is specified as the second argument.
If you were to reverse the options and make them mcf, for example, you would need to reverse the order of these files.

When the JAR utility is finished packaging the FancyButton Bean, copy and paste the output in the text box, below.
Click the Submit when finished.