JDBC  «Prev  Next»
Lesson 1

PreparedStatements and batch updates using JDBC

The focus of this module is on several major features of JDBC that allow it to run more efficiently than it would otherwise. To start, you will also take a brief look at another source of metadata that concerns a ResultSet. By now, you have mastered the basics of using JDBC and can create a very basic system for the Brazil Hospital Project. Now it is important to revisit the project requirements and determine how far along you are toward meeting the project needs. As you consider the requirements, you realize that there are a number of issues still to be addressed, such as:
  1. Enhancing the single table you created to store physician information instead of only hospital information
  2. Preparing for future changes, such as adding more tables and data
  3. Planning for an efficient system that can be shared with other users and possibly other applications

You realize that you must learn more about JDBC and what it can offer in order to address these sorts of issues.
  1. After completing this module, you will be able to:
  2. Describe what the ResultSetMetaData class offers
  3. Describe several JDBC helper classes
  4. Describe a design approach that will be part of the Hospital Project
  5. Describe the PreparedStatement interface
  6. Describe what batch updates are

What type of functionality does the JDBC ResultSetMetaData class offer?

The ResultSetMetaData class from JDBC provides metadata about the result set returned by a SQL query, such as the number and types of columns in the result set, the column names, and other information about the columns.
Some of the specific functionality provided by the ResultSetMetaData class includes:
  1. Retrieving the number of columns in the result set using the getColumnCount() method.
  2. Retrieving the name of a column by its index using the getColumnName() method.
  3. Retrieving the data type of a column by its index using the getColumnType() method.
  4. Retrieving the label that describes the column using the getColumnLabel() method.
  5. Retrieving the precision and scale of a numeric column using the getPrecision() and getScale() methods, respectively.

The ResultSetMetaData class is commonly used in JDBC applications to dynamically retrieve information about the result set returned by a SQL query, which can be useful for tasks such as displaying query results in a user interface or performing further processing on the data.

In the next lesson, you will look at the ResultSetMetaData class.