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WebServices Matrix

XML Technologies Web Services Technologies 2nd Generation Web Services Technologies
XML WSDL WS-Coordination
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XSD IBM Web Development IBM Developer Courses
XSLT   WS-Security
XQuery WS-Reliable Messaging
XPath  WS-Policy

How have Web Servies changed since their inception in the year 2000

Web services have evolved significantly since their inception in 2000. Some of the key changes include:
  1. Increased adoption: Web services have become more widely adopted and are now used in a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.
  2. Improved standards: Web services have been standardized through the development of protocols such as SOAP and REST, which have made it easier for different systems to communicate with one another.
  3. Greater security: Security has become a major concern for web services, and many new security standards and technologies have been developed to address this issue.
  4. More complex interactions: Web services have become more sophisticated, and now support more complex interactions between systems, including real-time data exchange and long-running transactions.
  5. Cloud-based services: With the rise of cloud computing, web services have become increasingly cloud-based, allowing for greater scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  6. Machine Learning: Web services are now extensively used with Machine learning as a service, where user can leverage the power of pre-trained models via web services.
Overall, web services have become an essential part of modern business and technology, and have played a key role in enabling the development of new applications and services.

Google WebMaster Tools API Developers Search Google Search Console API Google Identity Platform
Developer Salesforce Google Analytics Developer API Google and Open Source Developer Google Code Archive was replaced by Github
Google Speed Google App Engine - Cloud Hosting    

What are the primary differences between Google App Engine and Tomcat.

Google App Engine and Apache Tomcat are both platforms for deploying and running web applications, but they have some key differences:
  1. Platform as a Service (PaaS) vs. Container: Google App Engine is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering, which means that it abstracts away the underlying infrastructure and provides a higher-level set of tools for developing and deploying web applications. Apache Tomcat, on the other hand, is a web container, which provides a runtime environment for Java web applications, but does not include many of the higher-level services that are provided by App Engine.
  2. Language Support: Google App Engine supports several programming languages including Java, Python, and Go, while Tomcat is mainly focused on Java-based web applications.
  3. Scalability: Google App Engine automatically scales the number of instances of an application based on traffic, while Tomcat requires manual configuration to scale.
  4. Data storage: App Engine provides a fully-managed NoSQL datastore, Cloud Datastore, and a fully-managed, relational database service, Cloud SQL. Tomcat, on the other hand, does not provide any data storage services and rely on external data storage solutions.
  5. Cloud-Based: Google App Engine is a fully cloud-based service, and it can only be run on Google Cloud. Tomcat, on the other hand, can be run on-premises or in any cloud infrastructure.

Overall, Google App Engine provides a more complete solution for developing and deploying web applications, with a focus on scalability and ease of use, while Tomcat is mainly focused on providing a runtime environment for Java web applications.
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