Regular Expressions   «Prev  Next»
Lesson 2Introducing regular expressions
Objective Examine examples that use regular expressions

Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a language used for parsing and manipulating text. They are often used to perform complex search-and-replace operations, and to validate that text data is well-formed. Today, regular expressions are included in most programming languages and scripting languages (like JavaScript). Furthermore regular expressions are incorporated into editors, applications, databases, and command-line tools. Pattern-matching operations of Perl enable the processing of log files and directories in any environment. Regexps have been supported in Unix utilities for a very long time, and they are among the most powerful features of the Perl language.
Perl was not one of the first programming languages to implement regular expressions. The concept of regular expressions originated in the 1950s with the work of mathematician Stephen Cole Kleene. However, in terms of programming languages:
  • Ken Thompson introduced regular expression support in the Unix text editor ed in the early 1970s, which was later included in grep and sed. AWK (developed in the late 1970s) also included regular expression capabilities.
  • Perl, created by Larry Wall in the late 1980s, certainly popularized regular expressions among developers, making them more accessible and flexible through its syntax and built-in support.
Perl built upon the earlier implementations in Unix tools and languages. Thus, while Perl significantly advanced the use and features of regular expressions, it wasn't the first to implement them. Using regular expressions, you can specify, select, search, and modify text and text-like data with power and ease. For example, the expression

matches any line of text with the letters foo in it:
barefoot, buffoon, food, 
fool, football, footsteps, 

and under


will match
categories, categor, and category's.

Learn Regex Basics to create more powerful Regular Expressions

Of course, when you learn about the powerful features of regular expressions, you will find yourself writing regexps that are much more complex than these. For example, a simple program to validate yes/no input from a user might look like this without using a regex:

print "Do you want to play a game?\n";
if($input eq "yes" || $input eq "y")
  {print "Let's play!\n"}
  {print "Okay. Thanks anyway.\n"}

Using a regex you can shorten the if structure like this:

print "Do you want to play a game?\n";
if ($input=~/^y/i)
  {print "Let's play!\n"}
  {print "Okay. Thanks anyway.\n"}

The ^y tells the script to look for a word beginning with "y." The /i tells the script to ignore the case of the "y."
Admittedly, someone could answer yno or yesterday and this would still be treated as yes. As we learn more of the tools in regular expressions, we will revisit the yes/no program to make it more precise. Mastering regular expressions will be an extremely useful skill for you. Perl uses a number of extensions to the common regular expressions that you may have used. In fact, Perl 5 has introduced some new extensions that are helpful in making regular expressions more readable. The more you know about them, the better you will be able to solve common programming problems (and read other people's programs.) in Perl.

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