Getting Started with JavaBeans - Quiz Explanation

The correct answers are indicated below, along with the text that explains the correct answers.
1. What tool is used to test Beans in an environment similar to an application builder tool?
  A. The Java compiler
  B. The Java profiler
  C. The BeanBox
  The correct answer is C.
The BeanBox tool is used to test Beans in an environment similar to an application builder tool.
A and B are incorrect since they are used to compile and profile Java programs, respectively, and are not geared toward testing Beans.

2. The Properties window in the BeanBox is used to:
  A. Customize the properties of a Bean.
  B. Save and restore the properties of a Bean.
  C. List all of the Beans installed in the BeanBox.
  The correct answer is A.
The Properties window in the BeanBox is used to customize the properties of a Bean.
B is incorrect because the Properties window has nothing to do with saving or restoring a the properties of a Bean.
C is incorrect because the ToolBox window is the window responsible for listing the Beans installed in the BeanBox, not the Properties window.

3. Beans loaded into the BeanBox for testing purposes are displayed in:
  A. The ToolBox window.
  B. The Properties window.
  C. The BeanBox window.
  The correct answer is A.
Beans installed to the BeanBox for testing are displayed in the ToolBox window.
B is incorrect because the Properties window is used solely for customizing Beans. C is incorrect because the BeanBox window is actually a workspace where you create and work with Beans that have already been installed to the BeanBox.